This page is your one-stop shop for all things sponsorship deliverables and due dates! We’ve included all the due dates for any collateral AHF will need from you, including ads, tote inserts, and more. Below are relevant points of contact for any questions or deliverables. 

Quick Glance - Universal Benefits

  • Business Partner Directory Listing

    Sponsorship payment & category selections must be received by March 31st to be listed in the Spring edition of the directory. We will update the directory after that, however, we cannot guarantee your inclusion in the initial release/email without confirmed payment and signup by March 31st. MUST COMPLETE THE SURVEY – if you don’t make selections in our survey and don’t have previous data included, AHF staff may not have information to include for your company. Also listed in printed BP Directory copy placed into operator bags at National Conference and the year-round searchable digital directory.

  • Pre & Post Conference Attendee Lists - x1 use of each

    Send 1 piece of mailed or emailed collateral per list. Sent at least 2 weeks before and after the conference as an excel file. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database. DOES NOT INCLUDE PHONE NUMBERS.

  • Booth Selection

    Selection will take place in late April and early May. Selection is done by sponsorship level & date of payment.
    —AHF will provide shipping labels for product mailings and instructions for storage.
    —AHF will work to provide prep space for product, a signup sheet will be distributed.

  • Lead Scanning Licenses

    At least one liscence is included in EVERY participation level. We will distribute instructions and access to your scanning app at least 2 weeks before the event. Your MUST get your scanning apps and access set up before the date of the tradeshow otherwise we cannot guarantee our staff will have enough time to manually assist you. One license = 1 phone that can scan. Additional licenses can be added for $200 each.

  • Attendance Badges

    Registration typically opens in early March to all attendees, including business partners. You must individually register your team members for badges and make their personal schedule selections.
    Sponsors will receive one-time use coupon codes to redeem their complimentary passes. Additional passes can then be purchased at your discretion.
    NOTE: Extra passes must be purcahsed for employees of your company. Anyone who buys a pass “under your sponsorship” will have the name of your company on their badge unless they sponsor in their own right. No exceptions.
    —Additional Full passes are $1,100 and include all activities, sessions and meals.
    —Tradeshow-only passes are $250. These only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. You can also purchase an opening reception pass for your tradeshow-only attendees for $250.

Deliverables & Deadlines by Sponsorship Level

Use the tabs below to see benefits and instructions by sponsorship level. Please reference the communications from AHF staff, your contract, and our prospectus for more information.

Please note: AHF staff will reach out 2-3 times prompting your staff to provide advertisements or copies of mailing list pieces by our published deadlines. However, if we don’t hear back, or receive needed materials, you may miss out on critical benefits. Please be sure to bookmark the deadlines below and respond to our emails. Unfortunately, AHF cannot extend missed advertisements or mailing list uses into the next sponsorship year. If you need assistance, please reach out Leah Reily, Executive Director, at

  • AHF Memberships - x5

    Memberships are annual and start in January. Provide the names, emails, and titles of those individuals who wish to have memberships to Hillary Hutchins. Additional BP memberships can be purchased for $230 per person.

  • Operator Mailing List Uses - x4

    You will receive one per quarter. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. AHF will ask to see a copy of what is being sent prior to sending the list. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database:
    —Q1: April
    —Q2: July
    —Q3: October
    —Q4: January

  • Website Button Ad - x1

    Provide advertisement immediately upon confirmed sponsorship to Sarah Bennett. Ad begins January. SPECS: 200×200

  • SO Connected Magazine - x4 Full Page Ads

    Issues and deadlines are as follows:
    —Spring Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Feb. 1)
    —Summer Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad due May 1)
    —Fall Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Aug. 1)
    —Winter Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Nov. 1 – releases in January)
    SPECS: 8.5″x11″ (add additional 0.125 for bleed)

  • Banner Ad in SO In the Know Monthly Newsletter - x1 Ad

    Select from one of the 12 months from January to December. Selection is on a first come first serve basis for Diamond and then Platinum sponsors. Ads are due by the 15th of each month. SPECS: 550w x 180h Pixels (JPEG or PNG)

  • AHF Webinar Branding/Sponsorship (Non-Exclusive) - x1

    Your logo will be shown (non-exclusive) as a sponsor of the webinar. AHF will include you in marketing emails and mention you at the beginning of the webinar as a sponsor. Select from the following webinar options. 2025 webinar topics are outlined below:
    —February – Professional Development
    —March – Professional Development / Team and Talent
    —April – Operations
    —June – Finance & Efficiency / Operations
    —October – Regulatory & Safety
    —December – Promoting Self Op (Zero based staffing tool)

  • Business Partner Directory Listing - x1 Listing + Logo Enhancement

    Sponsorship payment & category selections must be received by March 31st to be listed in the Spring edition of the directory. We will update the directory after that, however, we cannot guarantee your inclusion in the initial release/email without confirmed payment and signup by March 31st. MUST COMPLETE THE SURVEY – if you don’t make selections in our survey and don’t have previous data included, AHF staff may not have information to include for your company. Also listed in printed BP Directory copy placed into operator bags at National Conference and the year-round searchable digital directory.

  • Business Intelligence Reports - x1 of each

    Benchmarking Report: Provided at the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the following year to all eligible sponsors from the previous year.

    “What Keeps Operators Up At Night” Report: Annual survey of what keeps operators up at night and upcoming trends, interests, and plans. Send before the annual conference to Silver and above sponsors.

  • Pre & Post Conference Attendee Lists - x1 use of each

    Send 1 piece of mailed or emailed collateral per list. Sent at least 2 weeks before and after the conference as an excel file. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database. DOES NOT INCLUDE PHONE NUMBERS.

  • Booth Selection

    Selection will take place in late April and early May. Selection is done by sponsorship level & date of payment.
    —AHF will provide shipping labels for product mailings and instructions for storage.
    —AHF will work to provide prep space for product, a signup sheet will be distributed.

  • Attendance Badges - x5 Full Conference Registration Badges

    Registration typically opens in early March to all attendees, including business partners.
    Sponsors will receive one-time use coupon codes to redeem their complimentary passes. Additional passes can then be purchased at your discretion.
    NOTE: Extra passes must be purcahsed for employees of your company. Anyone who buys a pass “under your sponsorship” will have the name of your company on their badge unless they sponsor in their own right. No exceptions.
    —Additional Full passes are $1,100 and include all activities, sessions and meals.
    —Tradeshow-only passes are $250. These only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. You can also purchase an opening reception pass for your tradeshow-only attendees for $250.

  • Event Sponsorship Selection - Sponsorship of x1 main event + 2-3 minutes podium time

    Can select from the following events. Selection will take place during booth selection, please have your preferences ready for that discussion. First come first serve based on booth selection order.
    —Opening Keynote (Exclusive)
    —Mainstage Sessions (Exclusive)
    —Celebrate AHF – (Non-exclusive)

  • Product Placement Selection OR BP Directory Ad x3 Product Placements or Full Pg. BP Directory Ad

    Product placements will be made part of main meals or networking breaks during conference. AHF will select where your products are placed within the menu based on the item type and menu needs. We will take preferences into consideration, but want to ensure the menu makes sense for attendees. You must send AHF staff the products being send and any associated recipes by April 15th. You may be asked to provide a sample for AHF’s final tasting at the hotel to ensure the hotel presents your product well.
    —AHF must have the selected meals, as well as the products to be placed and (if applicable) recipes for transfer to the hotel.
    —Products must be mailed to the hotel within AHF’s provided timeline. Timeline will be provided during booth selection. AHF will provide shipping labels.
    —If sponsoring a reception, or your item requires it we will ask you to provide a small sample for the AHF staff final taste testing at the hotel in the spring. Staff will report back and recommend any changes they feel would be of benefit to your item.

  • Tote Bag Insert - x1 Product of Flyer

    You can place 1 item into operator registration bags. Inserts can be at your discretion. Examples: Promotional items, clothing, product sample, advertisement, gift with company branding, etc. AHF must approve prior to shipping. AHF staff will provide shipping deadline and instructions (typically 5-6 days before conference). MUST arrive before bag stuffing begins AUGUST 19.
    AHF will accept a product with a flyer or card stapled/attached to it. However staff will not attach items together on your behalf. Thank you for understanding!

  • Lead Scanning License(s) - x2

    We will distribute instructions and access to your scanning app at least 2 weeks before the event. Your MUST get your scanning apps and access set up before the date of the tradeshow otherwise we cannot guarantee our staff will have enough time to manually assist you. One license = 1 phone that can scan. Additional licenses can be added for $200 each.

  • Conference Mobile App Recognition - x1 Push Notification

    Notifications can include up to 140 characters (not words). The text is at your discretion. Push notifications are sent as a notification directly to the mobile phones of attendees urging them to take an action such a visit your booth or explore your website. Must notify AHF of text to push by end of July.

  • What Keeps Operator Up at Night Report - x1 Copy

    A report conducted annually which asks operators about their challenges and demographics. Distributed at least 2 weeks prior to the show to Silver and above sponsors.

  • Logo & Branding - Conference website, all signage, culinary competition signage, mobile app, window or floor cling, wherever a product is placed

    AHF will utilize your logo and provided hyperlink in all applicable locations based on your sponsorship level.
    Must provide a high-resolution logo in .JPEG or .PNG AND .EPS format upon sponsorship sign-up. Website listings will begin in January. Logos are added to the website once payment has been received.

  • AHF Memberships - x4

    Memberships are annual and start in January. Provide the names, emails, and titles of those individuals who wish to have memberships to Hillary Hutchins. Additional BP memberships can be purchased for $230 per person.

  • Operator Mailing List Uses - x3

    Choose three quarters below within which to receive lists. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. AHF will ask to see a copy of what is being sent prior to sending the list. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database:
    —Q1: April
    —Q2: July
    —Q3: October
    —Q4: January

  • Website Button Ad - x1

    Provide advertisement immediately upon confirmed sponsorship to Sarah Bennett. Ad begins January or when recieved. SPECS: 200×200

  • SO Connected Magazine - x2 Full Page Ads

    Select two of the following issues per sponsorship year. AHF has limitations on how many ads we can place per issue. Select as soon as possible. Issues and deadlines are as follows:
    —Spring Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Feb. 1)
    —Summer Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad due May 1)
    —Fall Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Aug. 1)
    —Winter Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Nov. 1 – releases in January)
    SPECS: 8.5″x11″ (add additional 0.125 for bleed)

  • Banner Ad in SO In the Know Monthly Newsletter - x1 Ad

    Select from one of the 12 months from January to December. Selection is on a first come first serve basis for Diamond and then Platinum sponsors. Ads are due by the 15th of selected month. SPECS: 550w x 180h Pixels (JPEG or PNG)

  • AHF Webinar Branding/Sponsorship (Non-Exclusive) - x1

    Your logo will be shown (non-exclusive) as a sponsor of the webinar. AHF will include you in marketing emails and mention you at the beginning of the webinar as a sponsor. Select from the following webinar options. 2025 webinar topics are outlined below:
    —February – Professional Development
    —March – Professional Development / Team and Talent
    —April – Operations
    —June – Finance & Efficiency / Operations
    —October – Regulatory & Safety
    —December – Promoting Self Op (Zero based staffing tool)

  • Business Partner Directory Listing - x1 Listing

    Sponsorship payment & category selections must be received by March 31st to be listed in the Spring edition of the directory. We will update the directory after that, however, we cannot guarantee your inclusion in the initial release/email without confirmed payment and signup by March 31st.
    MUST COMPLETE THE SURVEY – if you don’t make selections in our survey and don’t have previous data included, AHF staff may not have information to include for your company. Also listed in printed BP Directory copy placed into operator bags at National Conference and the year-round searchable digital directory.

  • Business Intelligence Reports - x1 of each

    Benchmarking Report: Provided at the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the following year to all eligible sponsors from the previous year.

    “What Keeps Operators Up At Night” Report: Annual survey of what keeps operators up at night and upcoming trends, interests, and plans. Send before the annual conference to Silver and above sponsors.

  • Pre & Post Conference Attendee Lists - x1 use of each

    Send 1 piece of mailed or emailed collateral per list. Sent at least 2 weeks before and after the conference as an excel file. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database. DOES NOT INCLUDE PHONE NUMBERS.

  • Booth Selection

    Selection will take place in late April and early May. Selection is done by sponsorship level & date of payment.
    —AHF will provide shipping labels for product mailings and instructions for storage.
    —AHF will work to provide prep space for product, a signup sheet will be distributed.

  • Attendance Badges - x4 Full Conference Registration Badges

    Registration typically opens in early March to all attendees, including business partners.
    Sponsors will receive one-time use coupon codes to redeem their complimentary passes. Additional passes can then be purchased at your discretion.
    NOTE: Extra passes must be purcahsed for employees of your company. Anyone who buys a pass “under your sponsorship” will have the name of your company on their badge unless they sponsor in their own right. No exceptions.
    —Additional Full passes are $1,100 and include all activities, sessions and meals.
    —Tradeshow-only passes are $250. These only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. You can also purchase an opening reception pass for your tradeshow-only attendees for $250.

  • Event Introduction or Expanded BP Directory Ad - 1-2 minute introduction of concurrent or pre-conference session OR expanded BP Directory Ad.

    Sponsor will select one individual to introduce a concurrent session or pre-conference session. First come first serve basis, selected during booth selection. AHF needs to know who will perform the introduction by Mid-July. If you wish you can expand into a BP Directory ad instead (or expand your existing ad space in the directory) in place of this benefit.

  • Product Placement Selection OR BP Directory Ad - x2 Product Placements or Half-Page BP Directory Ad

    Product placements will be made part of main meals or networking breaks during conference. AHF will select where your products are placed within the menu based on the item type and menu needs. We will take preferences into consideration, but want to ensure the menu makes sense for attendees. You must send AHF staff the products being send and any associated recipes by April 15th. You may be asked to provide a sample for AHF’s final tasting at the hotel to ensure the hotel presents your product well.
    —AHF must have the selected meals, as well as the products to be placed and (if applicable) recipes for transfer to the hotel.
    —Products must be mailed to the hotel within AHF’s provided timeline. Timeline will be provided during booth selection. AHF will provide shipping labels.
    —If sponsoring a reception, or your item requires it we will ask you to provide a small sample for the AHF staff final taste testing at the hotel in the spring. Staff will report back and recommend any changes they feel would be of benefit to your item.

  • Tote Bag Insert - x1 Product of Flyer

    You can place 1 item into operator registration bags. Inserts can be at your discretion. Examples: Promotional items, clothing, product sample, advertisement, gift with company branding, etc. AHF must approve prior to shipping. AHF staff will provide shipping deadline and instructions (typically 5-6 days before conference). MUST arrive before bag stuffing begins AUGUST 19.
    AHF will accept a product with a flyer or card stapled/attached to it. However staff will not attach items together on your behalf. Thank you for understanding!

  • Lead Scanning License(s) - x1

    We will distribute instructions and access to your scanning app at least 2 weeks before the event. Your MUST get your scanning apps and access set up before the date of the tradeshow otherwise we cannot guarantee our staff will have enough time to manually assist you. One license = 1 phone that can scan. Additional licenses can be added for $200 each.

  • Conference Mobile App Recognition - x1 Rotating Banner Ad (Non Exclusive)

    Notifications can include up to 140 characters (not words). The text is at your discretion. Push notifications are sent as a notification directly to the mobile phones of attendees urging them to take an action such a visit your booth or explore your website. Must notify AHF of text to push by end of July.
    Recommended size: 1464 x 420 pixels

  • What Keeps Operator Up at Night Report - x1 Copy

    A report conducted annually which asks operators about their challenges and demographics. Distributed at least 2 weeks prior to the show to Silver and above sponsors.

  • Logo & Branding - Conference website, main area signage, mobile app, window or floor cling, wherever a product is placed

    AHF will utilize your logo and provided hyperlink in all applicable locations based on your sponsorship level.
    Must provide a high-resolution logo in .JPEG or .PNG AND .EPS format upon sponsorship sign-up. Website listings will begin in January. Logos are added to the website once payment has been received.

  • AHF Memberships - x3

    Memberships are annual and start in January. Provide the names, emails, and titles of those individuals who wish to have memberships to Hillary Hutchins. Additional BP memberships can be purchased for $230 per person.

  • Operator Mailing List Uses - x2

    Choose quarters below within which to receive lists. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. AHF will ask to see a copy of what is being sent prior to sending the list. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database:
    —Q1: April
    —Q2: July
    —Q3: October
    —Q4: January

  • SO Connected Magazine - x1 Full Page Ad

    Select from the following issues per sponsorship year. AHF has limitations on how many ads we can place per issue. Select as soon as possible. Issues and deadlines are as follows:
    —Spring Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Feb. 1)
    —Summer Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad due May 1)
    —Fall Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Aug. 1)
    —Winter Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Nov. 1 – releases in January)
    SPECS: 8.5″x11″ (add additional 0.125 for bleed)

  • AHF Webinar Branding/Sponsorship (Non-Exclusive) - x1

    Your logo will be shown (non-exclusive) as a sponsor of the webinar. AHF will include you in marketing emails and mention you at the beginning of the webinar as a sponsor. Select from the following webinar options. 2025 webinar topics are outlined below:
    —February – Professional Development
    —March – Professional Development / Team and Talent
    —April – Operations
    —June – Finance & Efficiency / Operations
    —October – Regulatory & Safety
    —December – Promoting Self Op (Zero based staffing tool)

  • Business Partner Directory Listing - x1 Listing

    Sponsorship payment & category selections must be received by March 31st to be listed in the Spring edition of the directory. We will update the directory after that, however, we cannot guarantee your inclusion in the initial release/email without confirmed payment and signup by March 31st.
    MUST COMPLETE THE SURVEY – if you don’t make selections in our survey and don’t have previous data included, AHF staff may not have information to include for your company. Also listed in printed BP Directory copy placed into operator bags at National Conference and the year-round searchable digital directory.

  • Business Intelligence Reports - x1 of each

    Benchmarking Report: Provided at the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the following year to all eligible sponsors from the previous year.

    “What Keeps Operators Up At Night” Report: Annual survey of what keeps operators up at night and upcoming trends, interests, and plans. Send before the annual conference to Silver and above sponsors.

  • Pre & Post Conference Attendee Lists - x1 use of each

    Send 1 piece of mailed or emailed collateral per list. Sent at least 2 weeks before and after the conference as an excel file. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database. DOES NOT INCLUDE PHONE NUMBERS.

  • Booth Selection

    Selection will take place in late April and early May. Selection is done by sponsorship level & date of payment.
    —AHF will provide shipping labels for product mailings and instructions for storage.
    —AHF will work to provide prep space for product, a signup sheet will be distributed.

  • Attendance Badges - x3 Full Conference Registration Badges

    Registration typically opens in early March to all attendees, including business partners.
    Sponsors will receive one-time use coupon codes to redeem their complimentary passes. Additional passes can then be purchased at your discretion.
    NOTE: Extra passes must be purcahsed for employees of your company. Anyone who buys a pass “under your sponsorship” will have the name of your company on their badge unless they sponsor in their own right. No exceptions.
    —Additional Full passes are $1,100 and include all activities, sessions and meals.
    —Tradeshow-only passes are $250. These only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. You can also purchase an opening reception pass for your tradeshow-only attendees for $250.

  • Product Placement Selection OR BP Directory Ad - x1 Product Placements or Quarter Page BP Directory Ad

    Product placements will be made part of main meals or networking breaks during conference. AHF will select where your products are placed within the menu based on the item type and menu needs. We will take preferences into consideration, but want to ensure the menu makes sense for attendees. You must send AHF staff the products being send and any associated recipes by April 15th. You may be asked to provide a sample for AHF’s final tasting at the hotel to ensure the hotel presents your product well.
    —AHF must have the selected meals, as well as the products to be placed and (if applicable) recipes for transfer to the hotel.
    —Products must be mailed to the hotel within AHF’s provided timeline. Timeline will be provided during booth selection. AHF will provide shipping labels.
    —If sponsoring a reception, or your item requires it we will ask you to provide a small sample for the AHF staff final taste testing at the hotel in the spring. Staff will report back and recommend any changes they feel would be of benefit to your item.

  • Tote Bag Insert - x1 Product of Flyer

    You can place 1 item into operator registration bags. Inserts can be at your discretion. Examples: Promotional items, clothing, product sample, advertisement, gift with company branding, etc. AHF must approve prior to shipping. AHF staff will provide shipping deadline and instructions (typically 5-6 days before conference). MUST arrive before bag stuffing begins AUGUST 19.
    AHF will accept a product with a flyer or card stapled/attached to it. However staff will not attach items together on your behalf. Thank you for understanding!

  • Lead Scanning License(s) - x1

    We will distribute instructions and access to your scanning app at least 2 weeks before the event. Your MUST get your scanning apps and access set up before the date of the tradeshow otherwise we cannot guarantee our staff will have enough time to manually assist you. One license = 1 phone that can scan. Additional licenses can be added for $200 each.

  • What Keeps Operator Up at Night Report - x1 Copy

    A report conducted annually which asks operators about their challenges and demographics. Distributed at least 2 weeks prior to the show to Silver and above sponsors.

  • Logo & Branding - Conference website, main area signage, mobile app, wherever a product is placed

    AHF will utilize your logo and provided hyperlink in all applicable locations based on your sponsorship level.
    Must provide a high-resolution logo in .JPEG or .PNG AND .EPS format upon sponsorship sign-up. Website listings will begin in January. Logos are added to the website once payment has been received.

  • AHF Memberships - x2

    Memberships are annual and start in January. Provide the names, emails, and titles of those individuals who wish to have memberships to Hillary Hutchins. Additional BP memberships can be purchased for $230 per person.

  • Operator Mailing List Uses - x2

    Choose quarters below within which to receive lists. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. AHF will ask to see a copy of what is being sent prior to sending the list. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database:
    —Q1: April
    —Q2: July
    —Q3: October
    —Q4: January

  • SO Connected Magazine - x1 Half-Page Ad - Vertical or Horizontal

    Select from the following issues per sponsorship year. AHF has limitations on how many ads we can place per issue. Select as soon as possible. Issues and deadlines are as follows:
    —Spring Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Feb. 1)
    —Summer Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad due May 1)
    —Fall Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Aug. 1)
    —Winter Issue – Theme/Topic TBD (Ad Due Nov. 1 – releases in January)
    SPECS: Vertical 3.5″x10″ OR Horizontal 7.5″x4.75″ (no bleeds)

  • Business Partner Directory Listing - x1 Listing

    Sponsorship payment & category selections must be received by March 31st to be listed in the Spring edition of the directory. We will update the directory after that, however, we cannot guarantee your inclusion in the initial release/email without confirmed payment and signup by March 31st.
    MUST COMPLETE THE SURVEY – if you don’t make selections in our survey and don’t have previous data included, AHF staff may not have information to include for your company. Also listed in printed BP Directory copy placed into operator bags at National Conference and the year-round searchable digital directory.

  • Business Intelligence Reports - x1 of each

    Benchmarking Report: Provided at the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the following year to all eligible sponsors from the previous year.

    “What Keeps Operators Up At Night” Report: Annual survey of what keeps operators up at night and upcoming trends, interests, and plans. Send before the annual conference to Silver and above sponsors.

  • Pre & Post Conference Attendee Lists - x1 use of each

    Send 1 piece of mailed or emailed collateral per list. Sent at least 2 weeks before and after the conference as an excel file. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database. DOES NOT INCLUDE PHONE NUMBERS.

  • Booth Selection

    Selection will take place in late April and early May. Selection is done by sponsorship level & date of payment.
    —AHF will provide shipping labels for product mailings and instructions for storage.
    —AHF will work to provide prep space for product, a signup sheet will be distributed.

  • Attendance Badges - x2 Full Conference Registration Badges

    Registration typically opens in early March to all attendees, including business partners.
    Sponsors will receive one-time use coupon codes to redeem their complimentary passes. Additional passes can then be purchased at your discretion.
    NOTE: Extra passes must be purcahsed for employees of your company. Anyone who buys a pass “under your sponsorship” will have the name of your company on their badge unless they sponsor in their own right. No exceptions.
    —Additional Full passes are $1,100 and include all activities, sessions and meals.
    —Tradeshow-only passes are $250. These only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. You can also purchase an opening reception pass for your tradeshow-only attendees for $250.

  • Lead Scanning License(s) - x1

    We will distribute instructions and access to your scanning app at least 2 weeks before the event. Your MUST get your scanning apps and access set up before the date of the tradeshow otherwise we cannot guarantee our staff will have enough time to manually assist you. One license = 1 phone that can scan. Additional licenses can be added for $200 each.

  • What Keeps Operator Up at Night Report - x1 Copy

    A report conducted annually which asks operators about their challenges and demographics. Distributed at least 2 weeks prior to the show to Silver and above sponsors.

  • Logo & Branding - Conference website, main area signage, mobile app.

    AHF will utilize your logo and provided hyperlink in all applicable locations based on your sponsorship level.
    Must provide a high-resolution logo in .JPEG or .PNG AND .EPS format upon sponsorship sign-up. Website listings will begin in January. Logos are added to the website once payment has been received.

  • AHF Memberships - x1

    Memberships are annual and start in January. Provide the names, emails, and titles of those individuals who wish to have memberships to Hillary Hutchins. Additional BP memberships can be purchased for $230 per person.

  • Operator Mailing List Uses - x1

    Choose quarters below within which to receive lists. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. AHF will ask to see a copy of what is being sent prior to sending the list. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database:
    —Q1: April
    —Q2: July
    —Q3: October
    —Q4: January

  • Business Partner Directory Listing - x1 Listing

    Sponsorship payment & category selections must be received by March 31st to be listed in the Spring edition of the directory. We will update the directory after that, however, we cannot guarantee your inclusion in the initial release/email without confirmed payment and signup by March 31st.
    MUST COMPLETE THE SURVEY – if you don’t make selections in our survey and don’t have previous data included, AHF staff may not have information to include for your company. Also listed in printed BP Directory copy placed into operator bags at National Conference and the year-round searchable digital directory.

  • Business Intelligence Reports - x1 of each

    Benchmarking Report: Provided at the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the following year to all eligible sponsors from the previous year.

    “What Keeps Operators Up At Night” Report: Annual survey of what keeps operators up at night and upcoming trends, interests, and plans. Send before the annual conference to Silver and above sponsors.

  • Pre & Post Conference Attendee Lists - x1 use of each

    Send 1 piece of mailed or emailed collateral per list. Sent at least 2 weeks before and after the conference as an excel file. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database. DOES NOT INCLUDE PHONE NUMBERS.

  • Booth Selection

    Selection will take place in late April and early May. Selection is done by sponsorship level & date of payment.
    —AHF will provide shipping labels for product mailings and instructions for storage.
    —AHF will work to provide prep space for product, a signup sheet will be distributed.

  • Attendance Badges - x1 Full Conference Badge & x1 Tradeshow Only Badge

    Registration typically opens in early March to all attendees, including business partners.
    Sponsors will receive one-time use coupon codes to redeem their complimentary passes. Additional passes can then be purchased at your discretion.
    NOTE: Extra passes must be purcahsed for employees of your company. Anyone who buys a pass “under your sponsorship” will have the name of your company on their badge unless they sponsor in their own right. No exceptions.
    —Additional Full passes are $1,100 and include all activities, sessions and meals.
    —Tradeshow-only passes are $250. These only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. You can also purchase an opening reception pass for your tradeshow-only attendees for $250.

  • Lead Scanning License(s) - x1

    We will distribute instructions and access to your scanning app at least 2 weeks before the event. Your MUST get your scanning apps and access set up before the date of the tradeshow otherwise we cannot guarantee our staff will have enough time to manually assist you. One license = 1 phone that can scan. Additional licenses can be added for $200 each.

  • Logo & Branding - Conference website, main area signage, mobile app.

    AHF will utilize your logo and provided hyperlink in all applicable locations based on your sponsorship level.
    Must provide a high-resolution logo in .JPEG or .PNG AND .EPS format upon sponsorship sign-up. Website listings will begin in January. Logos are added to the website once payment has been received.

  • Attendance Badges - x2 Tradeshow Only Conference Registration Badges

    NOTE: Tradeshow Only badges only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. They do not provide access to sessions, receptions, or activities. You can upgrade your pass to a full page for $850. Please email Leah to do so.
    —Registration will open in mid to late March for all attendees, including business partners.
    —Sponsors will receive one-time use coupon codes to redeem their complimentary passes. Additional passes can then be purchased at your discretion.
    —NOTE: Extra passes must be purchased for employees of your company. Anyone who buys a pass “under your sponsorship” will have the name of your company on their badge unless they sponsor in their own right. No exceptions.
    —Additional Full passes are $1,100 and include all activities, sessions and meals.
    —Tradeshow-only passes are $250. These only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. You can also purchase an opening reception pass for your tradeshow-only attendees for $250.

  • Pre & Post Conference Attendee Lists - x1 use of each

    Send 1 piece of mailed or emailed collateral per list. Sent at least 2 weeks before and after the conference as an excel file. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database. DOES NOT INCLUDE PHONE NUMBERS.

  • Lead Scanning License(s) - x1

    We will distribute instructions and access to your scanning app at least 2 weeks before the event. Your MUST get your scanning apps and access set up before the date of the tradeshow otherwise we cannot guarantee our staff will have enough time to manually assist you. One license = 1 phone that can scan. Additional licenses can be added for $200 each.

  • Booth Selection

    Selection will take place in late April and early May. Selection is done by sponsorship level & date of payment.
    —AHF will provide shipping labels for product mailings and instructions for storage.
    —AHF will work to provide prep space for product, a signup sheet will be distributed.

  • Business Partner Directory Listing - x1 Listing in Fall Edition

    As an exhibitor you will be included in the FALL edition of the Directory. At that time you will be added to the online version as well as the printed one put in operator bags at conference. If you wish to be included in the Directory year round, you can upgrade to a Bronze or above sponsor anytime.
    MUST COMPLETE THE SURVEY – if you don’t make selections in our survey and don’t have previous data included, AHF staff may not have information to include for your company. Also listed in printed BP Directory copy placed into operator bags at National Conference and the year-round searchable digital directory.

  • Logo & Branding - Conference website, main area signage, mobile app.

    AHF will utilize your logo and provided hyperlink in all applicable locations based on your sponsorship level.
    Must provide a high-resolution logo in .JPEG or .PNG AND .EPS format upon sponsorship sign-up. Website listings will begin in January. Logos are added to the website once payment has been received.

  • Attendance Badges - x1 Tradeshow Only Conference Registration Badge

    NOTE: Tradeshow Only badges only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. They do not provide access to sessions, receptions, or activities. You can upgrade your pass to a full page for $850. Please email Leah to do so.
    —Registration will open in mid to late March for all attendees, including business partners.
    —Sponsors will receive one-time use coupon codes to redeem their complimentary passes. Additional passes can then be purchased at your discretion.
    —NOTE: Extra passes must be purchased for employees of your company. Anyone who buys a pass “under your sponsorship” will have the name of your company on their badge unless they sponsor in their own right. No exceptions.
    —Additional Full passes are $1,100 and include all activities, sessions and meals.
    —Tradeshow-only passes are $250. These only include access to the tradeshow and set-up & break-down of the tradeshow. You can also purchase an opening reception pass for your tradeshow-only attendees for $250.

  • Pre & Post Conference Attendee Lists - x1 use of each

    Send 1 piece of mailed or emailed collateral per list. Sent at least 2 weeks before and after the conference as an excel file. Can use for x1 mailed or emailed piece of collateral. May not add contacts to a permanent emailing/mailing database. DOES NOT INCLUDE PHONE NUMBERS.

  • Lead Scanning License(s) - x1

    We will distribute instructions and access to your scanning app at least 2 weeks before the event. Your MUST get your scanning apps and access set up before the date of the tradeshow otherwise we cannot guarantee our staff will have enough time to manually assist you. One license = 1 phone that can scan. Additional licenses can be added for $200 each.

  • Business Partner Directory Listing - x1 Listing in Fall Edition

    As an exhibitor you will be included in the FALL edition of the Directory. At that time you will be added to the online version as well as the printed one put in operator bags at conference. If you wish to be included in the Directory year round, you can upgrade to a Bronze or above sponsor anytime.
    MUST COMPLETE THE SURVEY – if you don’t make selections in our survey and don’t have previous data included, AHF staff may not have information to include for your company. Also listed in printed BP Directory copy placed into operator bags at National Conference and the year-round searchable digital directory.

  • Booth Selection

    Selection will take place in late April and early May. Selection is done by sponsorship level & date of payment.
    —AHF will provide shipping labels for product mailings and instructions for storage.
    —AHF will work to provide prep space for product, a signup sheet will be distributed.

  • Logo & Branding - Conference website, main area signage, mobile app.

    AHF will utilize your logo and provided hyperlink in all applicable locations based on your sponsorship level.
    Must provide a high-resolution logo in .JPEG or .PNG AND .EPS format upon sponsorship sign-up. Website listings will begin in January. Logos are added to the website once payment has been received.