
Concurrent Session

4:15-5:15 PM | CEUs: 1

Speakers: Randy Davis (NMC Health) | Anthony Baffo, PhD, CDM, CFPP (Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay)

Over the last half-decade, the pace of change in the world of work has been unprecedented. In healthcare, initial expectations of workplace trends arising from the Covid-19 pandemic have turned into a harsh reality check. Resignations are rampant, technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate, and moonlighting is now more prevalent than ever before. The time has come for leaders to accept, adapt, and adjust their workplaces and level of engagement to help them thrive and succeed. Investing in staff development at all levels with intentional training and skill development creates a cohesive workforce and maximizes job satisfaction, career opportunities, and employee retention.

Randy will share his “Life Launch” philosophy and how his leadership team recognizes and develops the potential of their staff and helps them to “dream bigger than their job description.” Traditionally, hospital food service workers are entry-level employees with high turnover. Often older adults in food service have chronic, cyclical life issues, poor life coping skills, and are easily disheartened or discouraged. Randy will detail how he and his senior leadership team meet staff where they are and help them move, with dignity, to where they want to be.

Anthony will share how contemporary employee recognition programs can revolutionize the way organizations approach employee engagement, resulting in the fostering of a phenomenon where a culture of appreciation is paramount to the attraction and retention of top talent. The outcomes for companies that successfully implement well-designed, executed, and measurable recognition programs include a highly motivated workforce that is deeply committed to the company’s mission, vision, and success.