
This award recognizes self-operator members with 1-5 years of management experience who have demonstrated exceptional leadership potential and the ability to implement strategic plans that positively impact their hospital and community.


      • – All entries must be submitted in a single Word document that does not exceed 4 pages
        – Nominees must be an AHF member in good standing
      • – Nominee must be new to management, with less than five (5) years in their role.

        • Evaluation Criteria
        • Professional self-development, work and academic experience
        •        – Education and training, professional certifications and licenses, career progression
        • – Contributions to employer and area of responsibility
        •        – Team leadership and mentoring, process improvement and innovation, financial performance
        • – Contributions to AHF and the healthcare profession
        •        – Involvement in AHF committees and activities, presentations and publications, advocacy for self-operated healthcare foodservice
        • – Contributions to community and academia
        •        – Volunteerism and board service, teaching and mentoring, support for research and education
        • – Contributions as leadership role models for AHF values
        •        – Integrity, professionalism, innovation, collaboration, dedication to excellence

Entry must include the following on the front page:

      • – Nominator’s Name
        – Nominator’s Worksite/Company
        – Nominator’s Email Address
        – Nominee’s Name
        – Nominee’s Facility
        – Nominee’s Email Address
        – Nominee’s Preferred Phone Number
        – Nominee’s Facility Location
        – Nominee’s Facility Size/Bed Count

All entries must answer at least four of the following questions:

Question answers should be 750 words or less and submitted in a Word Document – download the Word Submission Form below. You may use photos to illustrate points.

        • – How many years have you been in your current management role?
        • – Please list out your professional self-development, work, and academic experience.
        • – What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced in your management role and how have you overcome them?
        • – What are your career goals and how are you preparing to achieve them?
        • – How have you contributed to the advancement of the self-operated healthcare foodservice profession?
        • – What are some ways that you have given back to your community?
        • – How do you exemplify the values of AHF?
      • Optional: This submission can be accompanied by a one-page synopsis and no more than ten (10) PowerPoint slides.

The best browsers to use when submitting are Chrome or Firefox. If you do not get taken to a confirmation page once clicking submit, your entry did not go through. Please email info@healthcarefoodservice.org with any questions.

DEADLINE for submission is March 31, 2024.

Submit your nomination for the Future Horizons Award below: